Puerto Ricooooo, Ohhhh (No)!

Puerto Rico has never been good to my husband and me. Never. Our first trip to PR together was our first trip together as a couple. Even though we’ve known each other forever, this was completely foreign territory – truly alone together for an extended period of time. The pressure was thick. I don’t think I’ve…

Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number? Well…

A couple months ago we went to a gala for the YoungArts Foundation, which supports young artists. My girl Esther wanted me to meet one kid – a dancer from Sarasota. She said, “there he is”. I realize I must’ve blacked out for a moment, because the next thing I knew my husband was shaking…

The Stay at Home Mom: Stop Shitting on Her Grass

It started with a post on Facebook: “Ladies. Staying home is not an option. #brainmelting”. Seems since then I’ve seen this discussed almost daily. It’s been the center of many discussions I’ve had lately because I am a Stay at Home Mom. For the second time in my married life I am not working. The…

Comfort Woman

Today I made tuna casserole. I’ve been thinking about my grandmother a lot lately, 11 years after she died and I still miss her terribly. She was exactly what you expect a Grandma to be: she made me great costumes and clothes, remembered all holidays, always had delicious food (fried bologna and eggs were my…

Free Flowing Thoughts on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. It’s also Women’s History Month. A whole lot of effort to specifically celebrate a faction of the population that should be celebrated and revered on the daily, for keeping this world spinning. There is no Men’s History Month or Men’s Day, because as we know every damn day is for…

A Tid Bit Older…A Tid Bit Wiser…

In one hour I will be one year older. Because my birthday is one month after Jan 1, I typically use it as the start date for any resolutions for the New Year. In Miami, the month between thanksgiving and New Year is swamped and there’s no time to think, much less script a manifesto…

Saving the World one Vegetable at a Time

Three weeks ago my daughter announced she was going to be a vegetarian. Actually a pescatarian, she’d still eat fish. Well, technically a mostly pescatarian, sliders WILL be allowed if we watch football at a restaurant on Sundays. She’s very specific this kid. My husband is joining her Monday-Friday. I’m trying but I’m also trying…

Make America Great Again

I fell asleep last night around 11:30, watching so many states declared “too close to call”, but leaning towards Trump. I awoke at 4:30am, paralyzed. Somewhere between dreams and reality I saw myself turning on my phone and seeing messages like “Remarkable Upset”, “Clinton wins in a nail biter”, “The world breathes a sigh of…

Hypochondria: A Cautionary Tale

I wish I were one of those people who never think anything’s wrong. Who could have a pus-filled 4-inch tumor on their lip and think, “maybe I should have that looked at.” But I’m not. Since July I’ve had heart disease (my cholesterol ratio is like that of an Olympic athlete and my resting pulse…

Happy Instigate the Destruction of an Entire Race of People Day!

Yesterday was Columbus Day. Yay Pillagers! It’s gratifying that over the past few years the country has become more aware and vocal on the fact that Columbus didn’t discover shit since you can’t discover something already inhabited. This year Vermont and cities of Phoenix and Denver changed the day to “Indigenous Peoples Day”, joining a…

Funny how time flies

I’m going to attempt to dedicate 10 minutes a day to writing, because time is moving fast, and there’s so much I don’t want to forget about my little girl. Like how every morning she wakes up, grabs her pillow, water, and whatever animal is laying around and comes to get in bed with us….